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International Lean Six Sigma Institute
Lean-Sustainable-Smart-Industry 4.0

Institute for the Advancement and Application of principles and tools for Lean, Sustainable, Smart business processes and Digital Transformation | Facilitator of World Class Business Improvement Coaching and Training.

International Lean Six Sigma Institute
Lean-Sustainable-Smart-Industry 4.0

ILSSI Logo 2023 without the words Lean or Sigma

Institute for the Advancement and Application of principles and tools for Lean, Sustainable, Smart business processes and Digital Transformation | Facilitator of World Class Business Improvement Coaching and Training.


We provide Accredited Certifications through our online proctored exams. We offer a wide variety of certification levels from Design for Six Sigma, Business Processes Management, Certified Supply Chain Professional, Certified Project Manager, Certified Quality Professional, Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt level.

John Dennis SigmaXL ILSSI Lean Six Sigma


We provide Accredited Certifications through our online proctored exams. We offer a wide variety of certification levels from Design for Six Sigma, Business Processes Management, Certified Supply Chain Professional, Certified Project Manager, Certified Quality Professional, Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt level.


Our world-wide network of partners provide onsite consulting services. We work with clients to identify problems and opportunities. We guide clients through Lean Transformation, Digital Transformation, Change Management, Supply Chain Resilience, Design-Thinking, Systems-Thinking, AI. Blockchain, Industry 4.0 and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (

We provide Accredited Certifications through our online proctored exams. We offer a wide variety of certification levels from Design for Six Sigma, Business Processes Management, Certified Supply Chain Professional, Certified Project Manager, Certified Quality Professional, Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt level.

Our Global team of experienced coaches for Lean Transformation, Digital Transformation, Change Management, Sustainable Supply Chain Management and meeting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives. Our Accredited Partners provide both onsite and remote coaching as well as thought leadership in Lean Sustainable Value-Streams, Business Process Management, and Lean Leadership

Our world-wide network of partners provide onsite consulting services. We work with clients to identify problems and opportunities. We guide clients through Lean Transformation, Digital Transformation, Change Management, Supply Chain Resilience, Design-Thinking, Systems-Thinking, AI. Blockchain, Industry 4.0 and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (

ILSSI is a Global organisation for Lean Sustainable, Smart Value Streams. It is build on the trust of its people, partnerships and performance. Collaboration with Universities, Business Hubs, Government Departments and Research facilities. Lean and Six Sigma principles as well as Digital Transformation technologies such as IIoT, AI, Blockchain and Robotics.  

Facilitates and communicates best practices in the training and practical application of Lean , OPEX, CI, Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Six Sigma principles, tools and techniques. ILSSI provides governance structures to ensure the integrity of examinations and certifications for Lean, Quality Management. Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Six Sigma.

Global reach with Community Leaders and Non-Executive Board Members in UK, Africa, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Pakistan, India, Switzerland, Portugal, USA, Nigeria, Caribbean and Central America, Brazil, Egypt and Hong Kong.
Provides thought leadership, research, case studies and white papers in collaboration with leading Universities such as Cranfield School of Management, and Purdue University, USA.

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ILSSI Excellence Awards 2024

Most frequent questions and answers

Yes, all of our Lean Six Sigma exams and Certified Quality, Project Management, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Supply Chain Management certifications are  Internationally Accredited and Certified by the ILSSI, based in Cambridge the UK and with international partners on every continent.

There are 4 levels of certifications,  Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt.  To obtain a Yellow, Green or Black Belt Lean Six Sigma certification, you must pass an exam ( e-mail us for more information or see ).  For the Master Black Belt you must also have proof of at least 5 years as a successful practicing Black Belt and have completed at least 3 DMAIC projects which can be audited by the International Lean Six Sigma Institute ( e-mail us for more information about the auditing process ).

Yes, ILSSI offers Accredited Lean Six Sigma certification exams in 11 different languages.  We presently offer exams in the languages English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, German, Russian,  Portuguese, Arabic , Greek and Bukgarian

Professor Beth Cudney ILSSI Lean Six SIgma award.University of Maryville

Book award for outstanding contributions to expanding the body of knowledge of Lean Six Sigma. ‘The Ten Commandments of Lean Six Sigma’

January 2024, Rotterdam, USA: The 3 professors Jiju Antony , Beth Cudney, Ph.D. and Chad Laux PhD received their International Lean Six Sigma Institute (ILSSI) awards for their outstanding contributions to expanding the body of knowledge of Lean Six Sigma. 

The award winners are global leaders in developing greater understanding about the intersection of Lean Six Sigma with sustainable systems and smart technology.

David Hutchins has been presented with the Lifetime Outstanding Contribution Award by the International Lean Six Sigma Institute. Announcing the award last week, the ILSSi said, “ILSSI is honoured to be able to present this award to David Hutchins for over 60 years of service to the advancement of Quality Management. David is acknowledged to be one of the worlds leading authorities in the Quality Sciences and Quality Management. David had worked with many global leaders of industry as well as representing Dr Joseph Juran from 1983 until he retired from international travel in 1993. David also worked with Professor Kaoru Ishikawa and had meetings with W. Edwards Deming and Dr Armand Feigenbaum on many occasions at international conventions. Congratulations David from everyone at ILSSI and around the world. We wish you many more good years”.

David Hutchins Lifetime Outstanding Contribution Award.  David is acknowledged to be one of the worlds leading authorities in the Quality Sciences and Quality Management.

April 2022, Cambridge, UK: David Hutchins has been presented with the Lifetime Outstanding Contribution Award by the International Lean Six Sigma Institute. Announcing the award last week, the ILSSi said, “ILSSI is honoured to be able to present this award to David Hutchins for over 60 years of service to the advancement of Quality Management.  David had worked with many global leaders of industry as well as representing Dr Joseph Juran from 1983 until he retired from international travel in 1993. David also worked with Professor Kaoru Ishikawa and had meetings with W. Edwards Deming and Dr Armand Feigenbaum on many occasions at international conventions. Congratulations David from everyone at ILSSI and around the world. We wish you many more good years”. .

ILSSI 5ST3PS Excellence Award 2023

Best Lean Six Sigma Training provider in The Netherlands 2022

March 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands: 5ST3PS achieved the award for Best Lean Six Sigma Training provider in The Netherlands 2022. This is in recognition of 5ST3PS training programme, which encourages and supports workers, management and teams in process improvement using Lean and SIx Sigma principles and tools. The award validates that the organisation has top ranked trainers and training practices in Lean Six Sigma. The award was accepted by Willem Salentjin CEO and Master Black Belt  5ST3PS 

ILSSI Trophy Certified Lean Six Sigma Organisation
Allianz Services Romania Certified Lean Six Sigma Organisation (Silver)

June 2022, Bucharest, ROMANIA: Allianz Services Romania achieved the Silver award for  Lean Six Sigma programme at an Organisation level. This is in recognition of Allianz Romania’s operational improvements programme, which encourages and supports workers, management and teams in process improvement using Lean and SIx Sigma principles and tools. The certification validates that the organisation has implemented the fundamental principles of Lean Six Sigma into its operations and supports medium-scale process improvement initiatives as part of their company culture. The organisation benefits from the use of trained and certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belts and Green Belts as project team members and leaders in its continuous improvement program. The award was accepted by Adela Nanus,  Chief Operations Officer Allianz Services Romiania

ILSSI Project Excellent Award 2021: TWI Global, Cambridge UK

March 2021, Cambridge, UK:  TWI Director of Technology, Mike Russell, said, “I am delighted to receive, on behalf of TWI, the Lean Six Sigma Project Excellence award from ILSSI. This is in recognition of TWI’s local operational improvements programme, which empowers and supports our staff and teams to engage with and resolve their operational issues. The programme so far has supported over 30 local interventions within TWI, improving our processes and working environment in response to the insights and understanding of those in the gemba.”

OPEX Token

OPEX Token Operational Excellence digital currency payment Token on Polygon Blockchain for efficient and lean exchange of value.

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